Finally Spring!

The weather has been wonderful here in West Virginia and although we felt that winter would never end, spring finally made it's way to the homestead. Our former plans have changed crazily inbetween my husbands job changes and less income. we had thought seriously about moving, but as of now I think that is out of the question. Some things we have been working on in the past few weeks are cleaning around the property and our little garden! We had a small hail storm yesterday which we thought for sure had killed everything but turns out most everything was fine, we have cucumbers, squash, sweet and green peppers, tomatos, cabbage, broccoli and peas! We are really excited since this is our first big garden. I might still set some onions and taters out but not sure when. Our goals around here now include building our chicken pen, a rabbit hutch and running barbed wire around the property for a calf. I am so excited about that because we will have a ton of beef for the winter, and some to share. I haven't been here to update so I wanted to write a little something today. I want everyone to know that this can be done as Becky always says use what you have and make it happen. Never give up on your dream!


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