[Enjoying This]

The past couple of days have been amazingly beautiful... much much cooler, low humidity and overcast. I do have to say I love it! Our little garden is just about finished producing we had quite a few really nice squash and I am happy with the progress we've made so far. Next year I would love to grow some corn, squash, cabbage, and more Tomatos! There is nothing quite like eating a sandwhich with your own home grown maters. It's a beautiful thing. One thing I regret not planting this year are pumpkins! One year we did butternut squash accidentally and they were beautiful but we've never done pumpkins. I love the colors and also the yummy seeds! on to something else... my candles I began making candles just to test the waters and I guess its harder than it looks and you gotta experiment with them a lot, so for me instead of wick candles I will start to make warming candles which I love better anyway because they are safer and zero amount of soot! I honestly want this to be a hobby and not a business although I had first set it up to look as one. I'm not really happy with that and I want it to be a part of our "homestead in progress" and not a job. If anyone has any tips to share with me please feel free to comment, we are still learning and making mistakes so we welcome any helpful advice. I would like everyone to please go to this link and watch these folks videos, they are amazing with their simple homestead life and I love their videos. [Inspiration]- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arxW5WwNblM


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