[[Yard Sale Planning]]

Living up the holler has its ups... well mostly ups but only a couple of downs, one being that we don't have a good place for a yard sale. No one is going to drive all the way to the end of a gravel road holler for a yard sale.. I mean if you think about it would you? Kinnda creepy! I mean really think about the movie Wrong Turn haha!! ANYway that led to us accumulating junk and no real good way of getting rid of it other than maybe an hour trip to the Goodwill which I don't like since they charge people for it a donation should be a donation... but anyway we are trying to save up the extra money to work on the house and the opportunity has come up for us to have a big two day yard sale at my sister n law's house, her and her husband are having one and they invited us to share their yard =] also whatever doesn't sell is being donated here in our own town to the helping hands group. So that also is motivation for me to simplify around here and weed out all things not needed. Hopefully we will make some money and be able to help people at the same time. Thats the goal. wish me luck and hopefully my house won't be so cluttered after June!! 


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