[A Place for Everything and Everything in Its Place]

I believe in the saying which is the title of this blog. The problem is that believing in it and accomplishing it are two very different things. I have tried many times to de-clutter or simplify our home but it seems like every time I'm only moving the problem from one place to another. So this time I have decided to make a list of everything that doesn't have a place of it's own. Then if I can't find a good place for it, it has to go. I realize that this will not be easy for me since its so hard for me to throw away or get rid of anything I always tell myself "Well someone might need that, or we might use that later for something." so I keep it and it just sits there! Its a frustrating never ending battle especially when you have emotional attachment to certain things you may not even use.

My goal for today is to get my list going and see what from the list I can live without or if I can find a good place for it or use for it. I will be doing before and after pictures so that I can share with you my journey of chucking out the junk. I hope the goodwill is ready for us. =]

~Keep it simple~
[Homestead Beginnings]


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