A Change in Direction

At first I really wanted this blog to be about my family's journey towards homesteading/simplicity but since things change in life so must our goals to keep up. It can be difficult at times trying to deal with what is really in front of us while daydreaming of the lives we'd love to actually be living.

   So this is why I'm taking my blog in a slightly different direction. I'm still very much interested in homesteading, being modest & living a sweet simple life, but I feel like this is something that you're either born into and decide to continue with or that you come into money and dive into your dreams head first, but for plain everyday struggling families in West Virginia it just isn't realistic to start setting goals we can't reach. 

   A lot has happened in our lives that we didn't expect would, like the loss of two pregnancies and my husband losing his job due to back pain and other health issues that have now become his daily struggle. I know there's reason for everything and with our lives being in Gods hands alone things will fall into place in His time not our own. 

   So since I wasn't born into the farm life and I don't have any money, I'll live life as simply as possible while daydreaming about things I once considered to be goals. We must always play the hand we were dealt in life and of course no cheating! 

   On a brighter note I am continuing one of my dreams as a real life goal which is photography. I've always loved it and I won't give up on that. I really don't feel I've been shoved backwards but simply redirected because if God means for something to happen you can bet the farm it will. (pun intended lol) well this is my little update of redirection I hope to share my dreams with others who feel the same as I do. God hasn't left us he's just turning things around slowly but surly. {Thy will be done} always. 

Guess I'm signing out now, sweet simple homestead daydreams & God Bless~



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