[Some Progress & Rainy Days]

Yesterday we got so much done around our little homestead in progress, cleaned the yard, prepped the garden, cut some limbs and filled the bird feeders. I'm extremely glad we got it all done when we did since it has been raining all day today. Not sure if anyone is familiar with "burning off the garden" but my husband said his grandpa did it every year. So this is our first year trying it. I do recommended doing it on a not so windy day, can see how things get out of control with forest fires very quickly. Better safe than sorry! Anyway instead of clearing the old dead crops and grass off the garden you bur it off then the ashes pose as a sort of fertilizer thus making your ground richer. We also started our compost pile! As for the rainy days I mean that two ways, first off it really is raining and second our bad luck streak continues... We got our tax check in today which is hopefully going on a vehicle and for the house. but his mom and dads blazer blew up today and there's no way for us to get anywhere. So times are hard and I'm hoping for us to get something soon, and not something thats gonna blow up on us a week later! but I guess thats life huh. I'm posting a few pics from our day out yesterday I hope you like them. =]



The Compost Pile.

Burning Off The Garden

The Homestead


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